40-80 acres- Lake County--Owner will finance with as little as $1000 down
Print out this info and bring it if you go, this is the boonies, and very little is marked! Two adjacent 40s in central Lake County 20 miles north of Two Harbors (40 miles from Duluth), just off Kane Lake Road (also known as County Road 203 and Forest Road 107), east of paved County Road 2. GPS data below. It’s the parcel in red on the plat maps below. Great terms puts ownership of your own 40 or 80 within reach! Some high, some heavily forested, some cleared, some low (that’s where the big bucks hide out). Best estimate is that it’s half high, half low. Great habitat! Lots of public land adjacent (USFS/U.S. Forest Service), plenty of room to roam! More photos and maps are at the bottom of this page. If you are able to stop at the DNR office near the airport in Two Harbors, they may be able to plug the GPS coordinates into your hand-held Garmin if you have one, stop by there if you can, and bring the legal description (below).
Serious inquiries only, please! This is wild land; electricity and telephone lines are are at least a mile away (though could come closer as more cabins are built in the area), and you’ll have to hack away forest to clear a building spot, homestead-style. There are seasonal and a few year-round homes within a few miles (and more are going up, making it a good long-term property to hold), but it is far from any towns or cities. We get a lot of emails due to the great terms we offer, but can only reply to those who have read this info and express serious interest, and who are truly ready to buy. Others will not be answered. Agent$ welcome, contact us for details!
An unprecedented chance to own your own 40 or 80 for as little as $1000 down and $356 a month, with no bank qualifying! Full price is only $873 per acre if you buy 80 acres ($69,900 contract price, payment about $560/mo), or $997 per acre if you only buy 40 acres ($39,900 contract price). We can even take Paypal! Serious inquiries by serious buyers only, please. Unless you want to buy it blind–which is OK–remember a picture is only worth a thousand words, but a visit is worth a thousand pictures. I cannot possibly describe it sufficiently to substitute for going there, walking around, and having a look for yourself, in person. Feel free to email or call first to find out if it’s still available, don’t want anyone getting upset over it being sold before they could get up there to have a look.
Below is sufficient info to find it, unless we screwed up the GPS data, which is easy to do when compiling and transcribing a bunch of numbers! If you find any errors in our GPS info, please let us know. As a prospective buyer, you are authorized to go have a look, and contact us when you’re ready to discuss purchasing it. Please respect the private land of other landowners in the area and ask permission to cross any private land. Please note that all the info here is approximate but accurate to the best of our ability. You’ll need to do your own due diligence if you want to know the exact corners and boundaries.
Take County Road 2 north to Kane Lake Road, then go east on Kane Lake Road about 4.7 miles. Though paved at first, he road turns to dirt, and narrows about halfway in. The 80 acre property is bordered on the west by USFS Federal land, and there is a road/trail or two heading south into and through the federal land. There is an small blue address marker, 2223 Kane Lake Road, on N. side of the road, which is immediately across the road from, roughly, the NE corner of my northern 40 acre parcel. There is also a gated driveway leading to a cabin (see blue marker for 2221 Kane Lake Road) on your left (north), and the owner of this cabin also owns a narrow strip of the land on the right (south) side of the road which may be posted “No Trespassing.” If you come to the RR tracks that cross Kane Lake Road, you’ve gone too far (you can see the tracks on the plat maps). The north boundary of our land is flagged/marked (trees were painted a few years ago), and the GPS points should get you close as well. If you cross into it on the west (enter from the bordering USFS land) you will not be trespassing on any private land. Parking may be tricky on this narrow road, but there is a right of way along it, so as long as you’re not blocking the road you should be OK with just pulling over where you can, it’s not exactly a high traffic area! Each of the 36 smaller squares in the plat map below is one mile by one mile, or 640 acres.
There is also access from the Southwest, but that involves a more roundabout path, and it crosses a creek with a old logging bridge that is not really passable by vehicle. As you’re coming in on Kane Lake Road, at about the 4 miles point you cross the Split Rock river. Before that crossing (the road will dip ahead of it, that’s your cue) USFS road 403 heads right (to the southeast). A mile or so down that road, you’ll see a gravel pit and clearing on the right (it may still be posted, “no hunting, it’s private) and a trail to your left which has been blocked some by the building of some dirt humps, or what we called “whoop-dee-doos” back when I raced motocross. I believe this is private land, so you should get permission to cross it. Much of it has been cut in recent years. This trail/road (it’s an old logging road)–beyond the humps–heads NE, then curves 270° and heads NW. It crosses mostly USFS Federal land. If you walk back a couple of miles, crossing the creek about halfway, you’ll find the south border of the parcel, and there are some USFS signs posted on trees marking their side of the line. This is a trickier way in, and you should have GPS and/or topo maps to find it.
GPS data (all points are approximate):
NW corner of 80:
Easting 0608169
Northing 5241887
Hddd.mmss.s (LatLon) N 47° 19’ 17.8”
Wo 91° 34’ 07.7”
NE corner of 80:
Easting 0608569
Northing 5241910
Hddd.mmss.s (LatLon) N 47° 19’ 17.8”
Wo 91° 33’ 48.1”
SW corner of 80:
Easting 0608167
Northing 5241103
Hddd.mmss.s (LatLon) N 47° 18’ 52.4”
Wo 91° 34’ 07.7”
SE corner of 80:
Easting 0608167
Northing 5241116
Hddd.mmss.s (LatLon) N 47° 18’ 52.4”
Wo 91° 34’ 48.1”
Property is legally described as the West half of the SE quarter of Twp. 56N (Silver Creek Twp) R.10W Sec 23. In some plat books it is still listed as owned by Northwest Paper or Potlatch, which still owns considerable adjoining land. This 80 acre parcel is also bordered on three sides by Federal USFS land which is part of the Superior National Forest.